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function useKeybanAccountBalance(account: KeybanAccount): ApiResult<string>

Hook to retrieve and subscribe to the balance of a Keyban account.

This React hook allows you to fetch the native balance of a Keyban account and automatically updates when the balance changes. It returns an ApiResult tuple containing the balance or an error if one occurred during retrieval.


accountKeybanAccountThe KeybanAccount object representing the user account.



An ApiResult<string> tuple containing:

  • First element (balance): A string representing the account's native token balance in the smallest unit (e.g., wei for Ethereum). This value automatically updates when the balance changes.
  • Second element (error): An Error object if an error occurred during retrieval, or null if the balance was fetched successfully.

Return Structure:

[balance: string, error: Error | null]
  • balance: The current balance of the Keyban account as a string.
  • error: An Error object if there was an error fetching the balance, otherwise null.


import { useKeybanAccount, useKeybanAccountBalance } from "@keyban/sdk-react";

const AccountBalance: React.FC = () => {
const [account, accountError] = useKeybanAccount();
if (accountError) throw accountError;

const [balance, balanceError] = useKeybanAccountBalance(account);
if (balanceError) throw balanceError;

return <div>Balance: {balance}</div>;


  • Balance Format: The balance is returned as a string representing the amount in the smallest denomination (e.g., wei). You may need to format it to a human-readable format (e.g., Ether) using utility functions.
  • Real-Time Updates: The hook subscribes to balance changes, so your component will re-render automatically when the balance updates.
  • Error Handling: Always check the error element to handle any issues that might occur during balance retrieval.
  • Ensure that your component is wrapped within a KeybanProvider to have access to the Keyban client context.


Will throw an error if used outside of a KeybanProvider or if there's an issue retrieving the balance.
