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function useKeybanAccountNft(
account: KeybanAccount,
tokenAddress: `0x${string}`,
tokenId: string): ApiResult<KeybanNftBalance>

The useKeybanAccountNft React hook allows you to fetch the balance of a specific NFT (ERC721 or ERC1155) owned by a Keyban account. It provides detailed information about the NFT, including metadata and collection details, offering a reactive and easy-to-use interface within functional components.


accountKeybanAccountThe Keyban account object containing the address.
tokenAddress`0x${string}`The address of the token contract.
tokenIdstringThe ID of the token.



  • The result containing the NFT balance or an error.


If the NFT is not found (SdkErrorTypes.NftNotFound).


import { useKeybanAccount, useKeybanAccountNft } from "@keyban/sdk-react";

const NftDisplay: React.FC<{ tokenAddress: Address; tokenId: string }> = ({ tokenAddress, tokenId }) => {
const [account, accountError] = useKeybanAccount();

if (accountError) {
// Handle account retrieval error
return <div>Error fetching account: {accountError.message}</div>;

const [nftBalance, nftError] = useKeybanAccountNft(account, tokenAddress, tokenId);

if (nftError) {
// Handle NFT retrieval error (e.g., NFT not found)
return <div>Error fetching NFT: {nftError.message}</div>;

if (!nftBalance) {
// Display a loading indicator or an appropriate message
return <div>Loading NFT...</div>;

return (
<h3>NFT Details</h3>
<p>NFT ID: {}</p>
{nftBalance.nft && (
<p>Collection Name: {nftBalance.nft.collection?.name || "Unknown"}</p>
<p>Symbol: {nftBalance.nft.collection?.symbol || "N/A"}</p>
<p>Token ID: {nftBalance.nft.tokenId}</p>
// Display additional metadata as needed

export default NftDisplay;