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Quick Start Guide: Create a React Wallet Application with the Keyban SDK

This guide shows you how to quickly create a React wallet application using the Keyban SDK. You'll allow users to log in, generate a wallet, display the public key, and check the ETHER balance on the Ethereum Sepolia testnet.


Before starting, make sure you have installed:

  • Node.js (version 14 or later)
  • npm (Node Package Manager)

Simple Steps to Get Started

1. Create Your Application

Open a terminal and run the following command:

npm init @keyban/keyban-app

This command will:

  • Install the necessary packages
  • Set up a React application integrated with the Keyban SDK
  • Automatically launch the application using the Vite development server

2. Access Your Application

Once the setup is complete, open your web browser and go to:


You should see the wallet app with the following features:

  • Login: Click the login button to access the app.
  • Wallet Display: After login, your public key and ETHER balance on the Sepolia testnet will appear.
  • Refresh Balance: Use the "Refresh" button to update your balance.

Note: For this demo, you don't need to set up an Auth0 account. The app uses a pre-configured Auth0 account by default.

That's it!

You now have a fully functional React wallet app using the Keyban SDK, without any additional setup.

Customization (Optional)

If you want to customize the app with your own Auth0 and Keyban credentials, you can do so by editing the config.ts file located in the src/ folder.

How to Get Your Keyban App ID

To get your own Keyban App ID, contact Keyban support. This ID is needed to connect your app to the Keyban platform under your account.

Restarting the App (Optional)

If you've closed the app or want to restart it later, run:

npm run dev

Then, open http://localhost:5173/ in your browser again.


Congratulations! You've created a React wallet application using the Keyban SDK in just two simple steps.

Next Steps

  • Explore the Keyban SDK: Check out the Keyban SDK documentation for advanced features like transaction management.
  • Try Sending Transactions: You can send test ETHER tokens using the KeybanAccount class. To do this, get some tokens from a faucet here.
  • Deepen Your Integration: Ready to add more advanced functionality to your app? Learn how to integrate the Keyban SDK into an existing React application with custom configurations in the next guide: Integrate Keyban SDK into an Existing React Application.

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